Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6, 2011 Meeting Highlights

We have several upcoming events in Alive, but I will try to keep this as brief as possible. This Saturday is the kick-off for our Second Mile Ministry partnership in Alive. It's a great way to get involved in our community and really make a difference. This upcoming Sunday, we are scheduled to bring breakfast for Alive. Our Christmas special is tentatively set for December 9 and 10. It will be a small readers' theater production put on in the Alive building. Invite friends, family, and coworkers to come join us. We are also getting ready to put on another FNL event sometime in January. Details to follow.

Now for a very important announcement. Earlier this evening, Rachel brought an excellent idea to the table. She wrote everyone's name on a slip of paper, and stuck them in a basket. Everyone who was present and accounted for drew a name or two. We were then asked to pray for each person we drew. This really should help us strengthen and encourage one another in Christ, and hopefully it will lead to a more unified group.