Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Friday Night Live Episode 1 DVDs Are Now Available!!!

  Yes! We now have DVDs from FNL's memorable first episode available for just $20.00 each! Those of you who pre-ordered them can pick them up at 524 North Hogan Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202 at 7:00 PM on Sunday night. You may also request that they be sent to you through the mail by sending an e-mail to If you did not pre-order your DVD at the show, it's not too late to get yours. You can get your copy by filling out the order form below. We will have your DVD to you in a timely fashion. We are working on a first-come, first-served basis. Those who pre-ordered their copies have priority, and will be receiving them first. Thank you for your cooperation and support. We look forward to seeing you at our next event.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Upcoming Events!!!

There are so many exciting things on the horizong for Prodigal15, I hardly know where to start! Tuesday, we are going to be involved in a holiday shoot at FBC with our pastor and Gary Hackney. This is an exciting thing for us, as it will help spread our name around FBC, and give us some positive publicity if all goes well. Extras should arrive no later than 5:30 PM in costume and ready to work.

Wednesday, some of us are rehearsing our Christmas carols, as we have the honor of leading the Alive Sunday School class in caroling that morning during the worship portion of the class. For those of us who need numbers, that's rehearsal on the 14th, and caroling on the 18th. Rehearsal will be held at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, and we will need to be in Alive ready to begin warm-ups at 7:30 AM on Sunday. Please put forth your best effort, and come support us!

We will also be having rehearsal for the FBC Christmas Musical every evening this week, all day Saturday, and Sunday after church. This musical will be performed the night of Sunday the 18th.

In February, we are planning to have our next Mock 48. This is a great opportunity to cross-train our people, as well as a great setting for honing our skills and getting our timing right for the Jacksonville 48-hour Film Fest. Practice is the only way to get better. We will hold this event from February 3-5.

Also in February, we will be putting on another Friday Night Live event! We have this event scheduled for February 17. Our dress rehearsal will be held on the 10th, so those of us in Prodigal15 need to please be thinking of script submissions and getting them in ASAP. We learned last time that that date tends to really creep upon us.

One thing we are planning in the foreseeable future is a Prodigal15 fundraising banquet. This will take a huge effort from everyone in the planning and execution, but we can certainly do it. Please be in prayer over this, and talk to Mauricio Belgrano if you feel led to help with this event.

Finally, I have one very special announcement: we are in the early planning stages of creating our very first televised series as a production company. We need to be in prayer over this, and especially ask that God will grant us unity of spirit and mind. This is a huge undertaking, and we simply cannot accomplish all that we hope to without keeping God at the forefront. Let's remember to be kind to one another, and seek His guidance when we have disagreements. That said, this is a fantastic opportunity to reach the Jacksonville area with the Gospel, and I, for one, am thrilled to have the chance to be a part of this!

So, lots of big things on the horizon. The main thing is that we stay strong in our faith and edify one another rather than tearing each other down. More details will follow in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for more information about the things mentioned above. God Bless, Y'all!

Your Sister in Christ,
Sarah Nelson

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Perfect Gift

Readers' Theater Event!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Curtain Call is at 7:30 PM
We will be putting on a performance of The Perfect Gift. We are requesting a recommended donation of $5.00 to help us continue to use our talents in this way. Make checks payable to Prodigal15 Productions.